Donna Kelce, the mother of NFL star Travis Kelce, has recently voiced her apprehensions about her son’s relationship with pop sensation Taylor Swift. In a...
Benberry, who briefly dated Kelce in 2016 after winning his E! dating reality series “Catching Kelce,” is urging Swift to exercise caution. During their...
In the midst of swirling rumors and speculation, Taylor Swift has taken to social media to address her fans directly, shedding light on the true...
During Taylor Swift’s six year romance with Joe Alwyn, he helped her out by co-writing a few of her iconic songs. And because of this,...
In a statement that has drawn attention from both sports and entertainment circles, Clark Hunt, chairman and CEO of the Kansas City Chiefs, reaffirmed Taylor...
It seems that being the most-talked about woman in the world may have started to take a toll on Taylor Swift’s relationship with Travis Kelce....
In a surprising turn of events, former NFL powerhouse J.J. Watt has stepped into the spotlight once again, but this time, it’s not for his...
Taylor Swift has been under the watchful eye of politicos in recent months, as they await to see whether she will endorse President Joe Biden...
Taylor Swift, the global pop sensation, has announced exciting news for her European fans as she reveals plans for her next tour to cover Europe....
Travis Kelce showed his support for longtime friend Justin Timberlake at his concert Wednesday night. An Instagram Story posted by music producer Khris Riddick-Tynes...